Projects & Grants

Internal Grant Competition DGC
START-UP grant

Reading Literacy through the Lens of Current Linguistic Methods
Project IdSGS13/FF/2024
Main solverPhDr. Lucie Radková, Ph.D.
Period1/2024 - 12/2024
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
AnotationThe project will focus on the current didactic issue of reading literacy, which will be viewed primarily through a linguistic prism. The starting point of the project is research into a set of texts that appear in various testing materials for pupils (national PISA testing, entrance and secondary school-leaving exams, certified Czech for foreigners examinations). The collected texts will be subjected to stylometric analyses (see, e.g., Kubát, 2016; Radková, Místecký, 2020 and 2022), with particular attention paid to lexical diversity, distribution of parts of speech, and some concepts of quantified text difficulty as developed by mathematically oriented pedagogy (see Pluskal, 1989; Beneš, Janoušek, Novotný, 2009). The project will also focus on pupils with a different mother tongue, whose number in Czech schools - also due to the difficult international situation - is still growing. The aim of the project is both to point out possible differences among the didactic materials under study, but above all to provide their creators with intersubjective guidelines for their compilation. Moreover, the research will be conducted in such a way that the findings could be implemented in the preparation phase of future teachers and made available to interested members of the educational community (cf. Rozvoj oborových didaktik, jejich integrace ve studiu a propojení s praxí. In Reforma přípravy učitelů v ČR, Executive summary, hlavní cíle a odpovědnosti za jejich naplnění, MŠMT).