Projects & Grants

Internal Grant Competition DGC
START-UP grant

Podpora internacionalizace na LF OU
Project IdPPSŘ LF 2023
Main solverdoc. MUDr. Rastislav Maďar, PhD., MBA, FRCPS
Period1/2023 - 12/2023
ProviderRozvojové programy MŠMT
AnotationThe Faculty of Medicine of the OU systematically works on its development, and one of the basic directions is the area of internationalization. Part of this development is foreign mobilities of outgoing and incoming students, as well as faculty employees, international creative activity, activity in professional foreign platforms of individuals as well as larger groups. Their effectiveness depends on the sufficiently professional presentation of the faculty at international professional and social events, but also on the presentation of information in a foreign language itself. As part of its activities to date, the faculty has long-term cooperation with dozens of foreign institutions. In the last ten years, the Faculty of Medicine has supported the participation of academic staff in international professional educational activities and international projects, and supports the cooperation of its workplaces with foreign institutions for the purpose of exchanging experience and sharing teaching, research and development capacities. Compared to other medical faculties in the Czech Republic, it is still perceived by the professional public as a young faculty with potential development. The leadership of the Faculty of Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Warsaw considers support for this area - internationalization - to be one of the important paths of development, especially in the area of making the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Warsaw more attractive for foreign students and academic staff. The focus of the planned project fulfills the Long-term plan for educational, research, creative and professional activities of the LF OU 2021-2025 (hereinafter referred to as "strategy"), namely in priority 4 Internationalization. sub-goal 2: international environment and attractiveness of the Faculty of Arts for foreign students and academic staff.