Projects & Grants

Internal Grant Competition DGC
START-UP grant

Saving lives through research in early cancer detection and prevention: Molecular, genomic and societal factors
Project IdCZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004644
Main solverprof. MUDr. Roman Hájek, CSc.
Period1/2024 - 6/2028
ProviderOP JAK (Jan Amos Komenský)
AnotationThe proposed research project is focused on cancer prevention, within which it deals with the main challenges in primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. The burden of malignant tumors on the Czech population is very high. In addition to aging, a higher level of exposure to risk factors and barriers on the part of the population to existing preventive programs contribute to this. On the other hand, up to half of cancer deaths can be prevented through prevention. The creation of the project aims to strengthen top research in this area, which according to the current analysis of research and development capacity and potential is the least developed in the Czech Republic. The research objectives of the proposed project cover the issue of the emergence and further development of pre-cancerous conditions and early detection of tumors. They will lead to a deeper understanding of the risk factors and processes involved in malignancy at the level of the cell, its microenvironment, the individual and the population, as well as the validation of new preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures based on the knowledge generated.