Projects & Grants

Internal Grant Competition DGC
START-UP grant

Between Etymology and Landscape: Topics of the 21th Century Czech Onomastics
Project IdSGS03/FF/2022
Main solverprof. Mgr. Jaroslav David, Ph.D.
Period1/2022 - 12/2022
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
AnotationThe goal of the one-year project Between Etymology and Landscape: Topics of the 21th Century Czech Onomastics is to complete and publish a monograph, which is the result of mutual cooperation between university students and teachers. The planned monograph is based on research topics solved at the proposer's workplace (language landscape, quantitative analysis of texts, social aspects of the usage of proper names, urbanonymy and hydronymy research). In the context of current research, it showcases perspectives of the current research, which makes use of the methodology of stylometry, textual linguistics, geography, and anthropology. In more than twenty intended chapters, it presents these topics and thus provides a comprehensive picture of the current state of onomastic research, with an emphasis put on the role that the Ostrava department of Czech language plays, at least in the Central European context. In style and form, the monograph has the potential to appeal to experts and educated audience. Other outputs of the project will include thematically related studies, conference presentations, and chapters in diploma and dissertation theses. The structure of the grant team: 5 university teachers (academicians), 4 students in the M.A. study programme, and 3 students in the Ph.D. study programme (the team includes 2 foreign students).