Projects & Grants

Internal Grant Competition DGC
START-UP grant

Spatial distribution of creative industries in Czech metropolitan regions
Project IdSGS16/PřF/2018
Main solverprof. RNDr. Jan Ženka, Ph.D.
Period1/2018 - 12/2018
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
AnotationThere are several reasons why creative industries have been standing in the spotlight of urban geographers and economists. Positive effects of these industries on urban regeneration and stimulation of productivity growth and innovation performance in other sectors of the economy have been reported. Over-representation of creative industries in large urban areas may contribute to spatially uneven development and increasing gap in economic performance between metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas. Most importantly, propensity of firms in creative industries to cluster even at intra-urban level into dense hubs clearly suggests the key importance of local amenities and geographical proximity for their productivity and growth. Therefore, urbanization and localisation economies are most frequently mentioned as the key drives for clustering of creative industries in and around large cities. However, some principal questions remain unanswered. Do firms located in dense intra-urban hubs of creative industries show higher dynamics of employment/productivity/wage growth than spatially dispersed firms? If so, how particular features of intra-urban clusters (location, density, industrial specialisation, firm size structure) influence productivity and growth of spatially collocated firms?Finally, which type of agglomeration economies is generally more conducive for growth of creative industries: localisation or urbanization economies? In our research project we aim to answer the above mentioned questions. Our primary goal is to describe and explain current spatial distribution of creative industries in Czechia at intra-urban level (in Prague, Brno and Ostrava). Our principal research question is if and to what extent does spatial concentration of creative industries into hubs foster employment, productivity and wages growth of collocated firms compared to spatially dispersed firms in metropolitan areas.