Projects & Grants

Internal Grant Competition DGC
START-UP grant

Innovative therapeutic methods of musculoskeletal apparatus in traumatic surgery
Project IdCZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/17_049/0008441
Main solverdoc. MUDr. Leopold Pleva, CSc.
Period1/2019 - 12/2022
ProviderLékařská fakulta, Operační program Výzkum, vývoj a vzdělávání (OP VVV), Podporovaná z neveřejných prostředků ČR
Statein sustainability
AnotationThe basic purpose of the project is to increase the success of complicated traumatological operations associated with the application of modern instruments, surgical procedures and osteosynthetic fixation elements with a special surface treatment. The introduction of new surgical procedures and a new design concept for osteosynthetic fixation elements in traumatology will significantly reduce the risk of delayed healing, the development of nonunion or the risk of infection. Earlier rehabilitation with limb load will shorten the time to fracture treatment and reduce trauma mortality during hospitalization, especially in elderly patients with comordibites. The related purpose of the solution is to reduce the doses of X-rays not only of patients but also of team members during traumatological operations, by developing and implementing procedures of mini-invasive implant application using navigation procedures. Monitoring the patient's post-operative load will enable accurate monitoring of fracture healing in all types of virtually planned traumatological operations.