Projects & Grants

Internal Grant Competition DGC
START-UP grant

Medical Compendium by the Jew of Salms: historical context - linguistic analysis - editing
Project IdGA18-17754S
Main solverprof. PhDr. Lenka Vaňková, Dr.
Period1/2018 - 12/2020
ProviderKatedra germanistiky, Standardní projekt GA ČR
Statein sustainability
AnotationThe Medical Compendium by the Jew of Salms (15th century) is a voluminous book of medicines which until now has not been subjected to thorough research, whereby partial studies which have been published until this day show that it indeed is a unique piece of writing from the point of view of both the contents and the language used therein. Within the project there will be an edition of the book based on the three known manuscripts and a body of comments to introduce a detailed content analysis and a linguistic analysis, and to assess the importance of the book in the context of development of German medical literature. The results obtained in the course of the said research will add to the knowledge on the development of German professional language and provide material for future examination into the field of history of medicine.