Projects & Grants

Internal Grant Competition DGC
START-UP grant

HPV as a prognostic and predictive factor for oral nad oropharyngeal cancer
Project IdSGS14/LF/2017-2018
Main solverMUDr. Zuzana Zděblová Čermáková, Ph.D.
Period1/2017 - 12/2018
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
AnotationIn 2007 WHO recognized HPV status as one of the risk factors of the histologically most common spinocellular carcinomas of the head and neck. This group includes tumors of the nasal cavities, oral cavity, nasopharyngeal cavity, oropharyngeal cavity, hypopharyngeal cavity, salivary glands, larynx and trachea. In cases of oral and oropharyngeal carcinomas there was a close association with the HPV infection that proved to be the strongest predictive factor, even stronger than regional cervical lymph node metastases. While incidence of carcinoma head and neck decreases worldwide, the incidence of HPV positive carcinomas of the oral cavity and oropharynx increases. Patients with HPV associated carcinoma have a significantly better prognosis and less risk of locoregional recurrences, even in the case of cervical lymphatic disorders. HPV tumors are also more radio- and chemosensitive. Despite these known facts there was still no change in the treatment protocol and HPV positive cancer was not separated from HPV negative as different epidemiological and pathological unit. Additional reverse hybridization will be performed at 40 of patients with the oral or oropharyngeal carcinoma treated at Oncology Clinic of University Hospital Ostrava in 2008-2015. It detects and identifies genotype of sHPV by detection of specific sequences on the L1 region of the genome of 32 types of HPV. The aim of the project is to determine the effect of different types of HPV on the prognosis and overall survival in locally advanced head and neck carcinomas and to compare the response to oncology treatment between HPV types.