Projects & Grants

Internal Grant Competition DGC
START-UP grant

Economic performance of Central European non-metropolitan regions
Project Id15-03207S
Main solverprof. RNDr. Jan Ženka, Ph.D.
Period1/2015 - 12/2017
ProviderStandardní projekt GA ČR
AnotationWe seek the key factors of economic performance of non-metropolitan regions in Czechia and Slovakia. More specifically, we ask whether economic performance of non-metropolitan regions are fuelled rather by industrial specialization or diversity, concentrated or dispersed firm size structure. In order to extensively examine regional patterns of relationship between industrial structure and economic performance, we are going to use spatial regression models with interaction terms. Moreover, 45 in-depth interviews with key regional actors will be performed in three selected non-metropolitan regions in Czechia, Slovakia and Germany in order to find mechanisms through which industrial structures may foster or constrain regional economic performance. Comparison with German non-metropolitan regions will help us to distinguish which relationships between industrial structure and regional economic performance are of generic nature and which are unique for the postcommunist context of Czechia and Slovakia.