Human Resources Strategy in Research – HRS4R

Project: HR Excellence in Research University of Ostrava

Reg. No.: CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_028/0006225


The University of Ostrava obtained one of significant awards related to the HR policy in research. It has succeeded to fulfil strict criteria of the European Commission and to obtain the HR Excellence in Research Award. Among other institutions having this award, there is for instance Swiss CERN or the University of Oxford.


In 2005, European Commission created the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers to contribute to development of an attractive, open, and permanent European labour market for researchers, where regulations shall enable to recruit and keep high quality researchers in environment supporting effective work and productivity.

European policy of human resources management in the field of science and research has been supported also by Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports by means of Operational Programme Research, Development and Education. University of Ostrava has also joined this programme and has become a successful applicant for support from the Ministry of Education with the project “HR Excellence in Research na Ostravské univerzitě”.

In November 2017, University of Ostrava sent commitment letter to European Commission including endorsement of principles of Charter and Code and commitment to take the necessary steps to implement HR strategy in compliance with principles of Charter and Code to obtain the “HR Excellence in Research Award”. Consequently, by November 2018, we must provide the European Commission with results of our Gap Analysis and Action Plan.

University employees got involved in the project by completing a survey, which was distributed through the university in the second half of May 2018.

To achieve the best results and correct procedures in processing the application for the HR Excellence in Research logo, we have cooperated (and we are going to keep cooperating) with other universities as well, Czech and foreign, in the form of international workshops and study visits.

The European Commission awarded UO the “HR Excellence in Research Award” in May 2019.

We performed Interim Assessment in June 2021. European Commission will now assess the results of the Interim Assessment. Once it will be done, our progress and new targets will be assessed every three years.

Information about EURAXESS:

Logo Logo

Details of the Project

Timeline of Initiation Phase
Endorsement of The European Charter and The Code principles
December 1, 2017
Internal Gap Analysis and Action Plan preparation
January – November 2018
Submission of  the Gap Analysis and Action Plan to the European Commission and publishing the documents on the university website
November 28, 2018
Successful administrative eligibility check of the application (Gap Analysis, Action Plan, OTM-R checklist) by the European Commission
December 3, 2018
Requirement from the European Commission to revise the application
January 23, 2019
Submission of revised application to the European Commission
March 15, 2019
Successful administrative eligibility check of the revised application by the European Commission
April 4, 2019
Initial assessment of the application and granting
May 6, 2019
Submission of the Interim Assessment to the European Commission and publishing the documents on the university website
June 4, 2021
Timeline of Implementation
Action Plan Implementation
From December 2018
Internal Interim Self-Assessment of the original Action plan and creation of a revised Action Plan for following 36 moths
24 months after obtaining the HR Award
Implementation of the revised Action Plan based on the Interim Assessment and External Assessment & Site visit
36 months after Interim Self-Assessment

Project Outputs

Team Members

Updated: 03. 07. 2024