EURAXESS provides information and assistance to researchers who are coming to work in the Czech Republic.
- provides access to a complete range of information on professional and personal life in the Moravian-Silesian region
- continuous support to academics wishing to pursue their careers in the region
- personal accompaniment to offices and medical check
- interconnection to local and foreign colleagues working or studying in the region
- organizing cultural and sport activities
The EURAXESS office can help you with
- the confirmation of your accommodation when staying in the dormitories;
- the registration at Migration and Asylum Department of Ministry of Interior of CZ;
- medical check and bank account opening;
- a new mobile number, change of accommodation;
- communication with HR department etc.
The information generally related to your arrival to the Czech Republic and to your stay is provided at the portal of EURAXESS CZECH REPUBLIC.
Updated: 08. 02. 2019