Ethics Committee of the University of Ostrava

The Ethic committee of the University of Ostrava discusses submissions of members of the academic community of UO and other employees of the UO that relate to observance of the principles and rules set out in the Code of Ethics, or its interpretation. The Ethics committee is the Rector’s permanent advisory board. The Ethics Committee has seven members and seven alternates.

Members of the UO Ethics Committee and alternates are appointed and dismissed by the Rector, in the form of measures after discussion in the UO Academic Senate, by appointing one member and one alternate from each faculty of UO.

For the purpose of assessing the ethical aspects of research conducted at UO, which mainly affects human and animal subjects (including the handling of biological material of human and animal origin), an  Ethics Committee for Research at UO is established.


University of Ostrava
University of Ostrava
Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Fine Arts and Music
Faculty of Social Studies member
Centre of Excellence IT4Innovations, division of UO, Institute for Research and Applications of Fuzzy Modeling
University of Ostrava
University of Ostrava
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Fine Arts and Music
Centre of Excellence IT4Innovations, division of UO, Institute for Research and Applications of Fuzzy Modeling

Updated: 07. 03. 2025