Archive of vacancies
Head of a research team in protozoan biology
NOTICE: The validity of the information on this page has expired.
The University of Ostrava announces a vacancy for
- Head of a research team in protozoan biology.
This is a full-time position starting on July 1st 2012.
Brief description of the position:
- Leading a research team in the field of protozoan biology.
- Participation in teaching and supervising undergraduate and Ph.D. students.
- Publication of papers in impact factor journals and presentation of results at conferences.
Applicants eligible to apply for the position must:
- have a PhD degree or equivalent
- have experience of working abroad
- have experience of and published outputs from research in the field of protozoan biology
- have min. 20 publications, at least 10 in the field of protozoan biology
- be fluent in English
- be creative, enthusiastic, flexible, methodical, and independently thinking
We offer:
- independent and interesting work in a promising young team
- modern labs and research facilities in the vibrant city of Ostrava
The application must include:
- a brief letter of motivation
- a CV including contact details and a summary of the applicant’s education, professional history, and research experiences and skills
- a list of publications in journals listed in the WoS ISI database
- a notarized copy of the applicant’s PhD diploma
Additional information is available from CIT#CL20385 (CIT#MAIL20385).
The deadline for accepting applications is:
- June 18th 2012
Applicants may send the required documents to the contact address below.
University of Ostrava
Faculty of Science
HR department
Bc. Lucie Holubová
Mlýnská 5
702 00 Ostrava – Moravská Ostrava
Czech Republic