Archive of vacancies
Postdoctoral position in health or exercise psychology / kinesiology / mHealth / data analytic methods for work as part of an externally funded research project at the Faculty of Education, Research of Excellence on Digital Technologies and Wellbeing
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University of Ostrava, The Dean of Faculty of Education Opens a Position
- Postdoctoral position in health or exercise psychology / kinesiology / mHealth / data analytic methods for work as part of an externally funded research project at the Faculty of Education, University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic, Research of Excellence on Digital Technologies and Wellbeing, CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004583
Type of Position
- Postdoc position in health or exercise psychology / kinesiology / mHealth / data analytic methods
- type of systemized position: researcher I (non-academic)
We are seeking a postdoc researcher with interest and expertise in one of the following fields:
- mHealth/eHealth – focus on digital interventions to enhance wellbeing and support healthy/active lifestyle; or:
- health or exercise psychology – focus on psychosocial determinants and consequences of physical activity or sedentary behaviour; or:
- data analytic methods – focus on analytic approaches to intensive longitudinal data, ecological momentary assessment (EMA), or just-in-time adaptive interventions (JITAIs)
Job Summary:
- The offered position includes a range of activities related to preparation, coordination and data collection (e.g., input for questionnaires and methods)
- data analyses (with a strong emphasis on analysis of intensive longitudinal data in case of interest in work related to data analytic methods)
- leading role in writing publications and cooperation on other team members' publications (e.g., research papers for peer-reviewed journals)
- supervision, coordination and management of junior research team members (e.g., PhD students)
- attendance at international meetings and conferences.
Positions sought:
- 1 position at 1,0 FTE
- PhD in Psychology, Kinesiology, Statistics or another social science or related field with relevance to the study of the effects of digital technologies on wellbeing obtained within the past 7 years (this period does not include maternity/parental leave);
- Interest in eHealth/mHealth or the effects of digital technologies on older adults or other underserved populations, experience with research on the same or a related topic (i.e., with evidence from participation on research projects, publications);
- Experience with quantitative research methods and a strong knowledge of quantitative methodology (high skills in statistical analyses and work with quantitative data, mainly intensive longitudinal data) is an advantage;
- Willingness to learn;
- Ability to work autonomously on the research topic;
- Ability to work in a team, problem-solving skills, time-management skills, thoroughness, perseverance;
- Proficiency in English.
Start date:
- April 1st, 2024 (negotiable)
- CZK 52,000 consisting of tariff wage and performance evaluation (median wage for a full time job in the Czech Republic in Q2 2023 CZK 36,816)
We offer:
- interesting and responsible work in a team
- full-time or part-time work in a public educational institution
- employment contract for a fixed period (1 year) with the possibility of extension
- work for faculty with growing research performance and exceptional potential for success in international grant challenges
- a stable work environment in a progressive institution
- friendly co-workers
- friendly approach to balancing work and personal life
- space for personal and professional growth, the opportunity to participate in educational events and workshops
- active use of the English language
- the possibility to participate in the Erasmus+ program
- the possibility of working from home
- workplace location in the city centre – at OU City Campus Lives Černá louka in Ostrava
- 6 weeks of annual leave
- 5 days off for sick days
- meal vouchers worth CZK 160 (employer's contribution CZK 88/meal voucher)
Necessary documents:
- a professional CV detailing previous work on research projects and a detailed description of statistical skills
- list of publications; list publications in impact factor journals (Web of Science), list IF and/or journal quartiles; attach one or two publications that demonstrate your statistical skills
- a letter of motivation in which, among other things, you state the field you are applying for
- copies of documents on education
- consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes of the selection procedure
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Time, manner and place for delivery of the required documents
Send a structured professional CV, a list of publications, a letter of motivation, a copy of the education documents and a signed Consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes of the selection procedure by February 29th, 2024 to .
About us:
The University of Ostrava is a modern, progressive university with around 8,500 students and offers university education at six faculties (Faculty of Social Studies, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts and Music, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Education and Faculty of Science) in combination with the OU's scientific institute (Institute for Research and Applications of Fuzzy Modelling - IRAFM). OU teams regularly receive funding for their research from Czech (GAČR, TAČR, AZV, etc.) and EU (OP VVV, Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe) providers and achieve significant publication success. The OU is significantly supported by the Statutory City of Ostrava and the Moravian-Silesian Region, where it is a partner in many strategic projects (e.g. LERCO, REFRESH). The OU is a recipient of the HR Excellence in Research Award granted by the European Commission.
The Faculty of Education, UO is a faculty with a growing research profile, offering higher education closely linked to three study programmes: Teacher Education, Non-Teacher Education, Kinanthropology and Physical Education and Sport. The research teams at the Faculty of Education of the OU regularly receive funding for their research from Czech providers (GAČR, TAČR, AZV, etc.). At present, the Faculty of Education of the OU is also involved in two strategic research projects of the Moravian-Silesian Region (LERCO, REFRESH) and the site of the OP JAK Excellent Research Project under the leadership of the principal investigator, Steriani Elavsky, an internationally established social scientist working at the Department of Human Movement Studies.
The Department of Human Movement Studies at the OU Faculty of Education is the main site for the implementation of three currently ongoing large projects: LERCO, REFRESH, and DigiWELL (OP JAK Excellent Research Project), together with its research centre, the Human Motion Diagnostic Centre (HMDC), which has now moved to the newly built state-of-the-art infrastructure facilities of the Behavioural Health, Sport and Technology at the OU City Campus Lives Černá louka in Ostrava. The HMDC consists of several research laboratories (Biomechanics and Imaging Laboratory, Exercise Physiology and Functional Anthropology Laboratory, Behavioral Laboratory).
Currently, we are involved in three major projects:
- Life and Environment Research Centre Ostrava (LERCO) – is a strategic project of the Moravian Silesian Region, conducted at the University of Ostrava, and supported by a grant from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
- Research Excellence For REgion Sustainability and High-tech Industries (REFRESH) – is a strategic project of the Moravian Silesian Region, conducted at the Technical University of Ostrava and the University of Ostrava, and supported by the EU Funding Programme - Just Transition Fund
- Research of Excellence on Digital Technologies and Wellbeing (DigiWELL) – OP JAK Excellent Research project focusing on the links between digital technologies and wellbeing and conducted at the University of Ostrava and additional seven partner institutions.
Eligible candidates will be invited for a personal or online interview.
The dean of the faculty reserves the right to invite only selected applicants to a personal meeting or online interview and at the same time the right not to select any applicant.
The dean of PdF OU can also cancel or repeat the selection procedure.
Pedagogická fakulta OU
personální oddělení
Bc. Anna Oslizloková
Fráni Šrámka 3
709 00 Ostrava
Czech Republic
Phone: 553 46 2511