Archive of vacancies
Postdoctoral fellow within the REFRESH – Research Excellence For REgion Sustainability and High-tech Industries project
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The Dean of the Faculty of Education of the University of Ostrava has announced a job vacancy
- Postdoctoral fellow within the REFRESH – Research Excellence For REgion Sustainability and High-tech Industries project
Job title
- Postdoctoral Fellow
- Type of systematized post: PostDoc (non-academic)
Job description
- Collaboration on the implementation of the SL 4 Research Programme on the Impact of Transformation on Education, Human Health and Mental Health in line with the needs of other members of the research team and partner institutions;
- Independently solves complex scientific research tasks in his/her field;
- Contributes to outputs in the form of analyses or scientific publications; actively publishes;
- Participation in data collection for specific project outputs and assisting in their completion.
Expected amount of time
- 0,4 FTE
Qualifications and other requirements
- obtained PhD in the last 5 years in Fine Arts, Art Education Didactics or similar; EU research level - R2 - Recognized;
- Publication activity in the field (at least 4 outputs in WoS/SCOPUS databases);
- experience in grant projects (demonstrable involvement in basic/applied/contract research projects) and/or foreign internships of a cumulative duration of 1 month;
- proficiency in English language, excellent communication skills comparable to B2 level. Knowledge of other languages an advantage;
- Independent, responsible and creative approach to work;
- Ability to collaborate on pedagogical, psychological and sociological, aspects of industry transformation on education, human health and psyche.
Expected start date
- 1 April 2024, or by agreement
- Fixed-term employment for a maximum of 3 years
List of documents required from the candidate
- structured professional CV with an overview of publications
- motivation letter
- consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes of the selection procedure
4,03 MB
- evidence of qualifications
Wage conditions
- according to the Internal Wage Regulation of the OU
Date, method, form and place for submission of the application form and required documents
A structured professional CV with an overview of publication activities (artistic activities), a motivation letter, evidence of educational qualifications and a signed Consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes of the selection procedure should be sent by 17 February 2024 to , please indicate in the subject line: Application for the postdoctoral position REFRESH.
Language in which the selection procedure will be conducted
- Czech, English
The first round of the selection procedure will take place without the presence of the candidates in person, with the selection committee assessing the submitted materials.
The Dean of the Faculty reserves the right to invite only selected candidates to a personal meeting and the right not to select any candidate. The Dean of the Faculty of Education UO may also cancel or repeat the selection procedure.
The position was created with the financial support of the European Union under the REFRESH project with reg. no: CZ.10.03.01/00/22_003/0000048.
Pedagogická fakulta OU
personální oddělení
Bc. Anna Oslizloková
Fráni Šrámka 3
709 00 Ostrava
Czech Republic
Phone: 553 46 2511