Archive of vacancies
Professor or Associate Professor or Assistant Professor with a specialization in applied mathematics with the position of Head of the Department of Mathematics with Didactics
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The Dean of the Faculty of Education of the University of Ostrava has announced a job vacancy
- Professor or Associate Professor or Assistant Professor with a specialization in applied mathematics with the position of Head of the Department of Mathematics with Didactics
The Department of Mathematics with Didactics focuses its teaching activities on the preparation of teachers of mathematics at the second level of primary school in a structured five-year study. The Department also provides teaching of mathematical disciplines in other fields of study at the Faculty of Education. More information can be found on the department's website.
What is the position?
A professor or associate professor in charge of a department is an academic who, within the agreed type of work, carries out related teaching and creative activities in the department and is also a manager who is responsible in particular for:
- staffing of teaching at all levels of study programmes (bachelor's, master's and doctoral) and participates in their development;
- direction and implementation of research, grant activities and publication strategy of activities;
- internationalization, promotion and presentation of the workplace, including popularization of professional results.
When will we welcome you?
- February 1st, 2024 (or by appointment)
In what extent will the position be performed?
- 100%
On the basis of which contract will the cooperation take place?
- The employment relationship is concluded for a definite period of time with a 3-month probationary period. The employee is assigned to the position of academic employee and is entrusted with the performance of the function of the head of the department.
What is the amount of the monthly remuneration?
- The salary depends on the classification according to the internal wage regulations of the university and is also dependent on the applicant's experience and involvement in research grant activities.
In which language will the selection procedure be conducted?
- In Czech
What do we expect from you?
- University education – at least a completed doctoral degree in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Informatics, Engineering Informatics or related fields or appointment as Associate Professor or Professor in Mathematics - Applied Mathematics or related fields (appointments outside the Czech Republic must be recognized according to the valid regulations of the Czech Republic or related international treaties).
- English language competency, B2 level.
- Knowledge of the Czech language – level C2.
- EU research level in the field: R3 – Estabilished / R4 – Leading and related publications.
- Excellent organizational skills and prerequisites for leading a team.
List of Documents Required from the Applicant
- Concept (key points) of the prospective development strategy of the department (maximum 3 A4 pages). In Czech or English.
- If the applicant is the current Head of Department, he/she will submit an evaluation of the concept of the development of the Department over the past period and further prospective development of the Department (maximum 4 A4 pages).
- Structured professional CV with an overview of publishing activities.
- Evidence of formal qualifications/education.
- Motivation letter.
- Consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes of the selection procedure
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Date, method, form and place for delivery of the application and the required documents of the applicant
Please deliver the documents listed above electronically to: by November 15th, 2023.
Final provisions
The Dean of the PdF OU reserves the right to invite only selected candidates to a personal interview and also the right not to select any candidate. The selection procedure may be cancelled or re-announced.
Pedagogická fakulta OU
personální oddělení
Bc. Anna Oslizloková
Fráni Šrámka 3
709 00 Ostrava
Czech Republic
Phone: 553 46 2511