Archive of vacancies
Assistant/Assistant Professor position as the head of Concept-Object-Installation Studio
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The Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Music of the University of Ostrava has announced a job vacancy
- Assistant/Assistant Professor position as the head of Concept-Object-Installation Studio
Job Title
- Assistant position as the head of Concept-Object-Installation Studio / Assistant Professor position as the head of Concept-Object-Installation Studio
- Type of systemised position: Assistant / Assistant Professor
Job Description
The head of the COI Studio decides on the directions of this work place, forms its conceptual content and significantly contributes to fulfilling the inter-mediality within the Department of Intermedia Studies. He/she also creates a healthy artistic and educational environment which reflects the current phenomena and tries to communicate and cope with them.
Specified Indication of the Applicant's International Research Profile
- R1 – First stage / R2 – Recognized
Estimated Amount of Work
- 1,0 (in case the University would employ a couple)
- Active experience in practising contemporary art, whether from the artistic or theoretic position
- PhD degree in the area of art or theory and history of art finished or just before finishing, alternatively adequate artistic erudition
- Excellent knowledge of the Czech language – level C2
- English language competency, B2 level
- EU research level: R2 Recognized
Expected Start Date
- From 1st September 2022, but may be subject to change.
Wage Conditions
- According to the Internal Wage Regulations of UO
List of Documents Required from the Applicant
- Structured professional CV
- Consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes of the selection procedure
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Date, Method, Form, and Place for the Delivery of the Application and Required Documents from the Applicant
The structured professional CV and a signed consent form regarding the processing of personal data for the purposes of the selection procedure are to be sent to the following address: to: 5th June 2022.
Language in Which the Selection Process Will Be Conducted
- Czech
The first round of the selection procedure will take place without the personal presence of the candidates by the assessment of the submitted materials by the selection committee.
The Dean of the Faculty reserves the right to invite only selected candidates to a personal meeting and the right to also not select any candidate. The Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Music of the University of Ostrava may also cancel or repeat the selection procedure.
Faculty of Fine Arts and Music
Personnel Department
Mgr. Jana Bartonová
Podlahova 3
709 00 Ostrava – Mariánské Hory
Czech Republic