Archive of vacancies
Postdoc Research Fellow / Junior Researcher – Biology
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The Dean of the Faculty of Science of the University of Ostrava announces the selection procedure to fill the non-academic position at the Department of Biology and Ecology
- Postdoc Research Fellow / Junior Researcher – Biology
Type of systemised position
- Postdoc I / Researcher II
Expected Start Date
- January 1st, 2022
Estimated Amount of Work
- 25%
Contract of employment
- fixed-term contract
Wage Conditions
- according to the Internal Wage Regulations of UO
We offer
- 6 weeks of annual leave
Qualification and Specification of a successful candidate:
- PhD degree in biology or a related field
- previous expertise in molecular and cell biology research, at least 10 publications in impact-factor journals
- expertise in bioinformatics is welcome
- work/research experience gained in a research institution outside of the Czech Republic for the total duration of at least one year is required
- English language competency, B2 level (active knowledge - both written and spoken)
- knowledge of other languages gain advantage
- ability and willingness to work in a team
Research project
- bioinformatic analysis of genomes and transcriptomes of Trypanosomatidae (Illumina, PacBio, TEL-seq)
- bioinformatic analysis of proteins involved in lipid metabolism in Trypanosomatidae
- bioinformatic analysis of proteins of the Krebs cycle in Trypanosomatidae
List of Documents required from the Applicant to be provided in English
- consent to the processing of personal data for the purpose of the selection procedure
4,03 MB
- professional CV including description of international experience
- list of publications
- copy of the degree certificates
- letter of intent
Delivery of the application and required documents
All the documents required are to be sent to by December 8th, 2021.
The first round of the selection process will be carried out by assessing of the submitted documents.
The successful candidates will be invited to the second round of the selection (due to the situation of COVID-19 could be conducted remotely, e. g. Zoom, Skype, etc.). The employer is entitled to cancel the tender without giving any reasons or not to select any of candidates.
The selection procedure will be conducted in Czech and English.
University of Ostrava
Faculty of Science
HR department
Bc. Lucie Holubová
Mlýnská 5
702 00 Ostrava – Moravská Ostrava
Czech Republic