Archive of vacancies
Head of the Department of Mathematics
NOTICE: The validity of the information on this page has expired.
The Dean of the Faculty of Science, University of Ostrava Announces a Selection Procedure to Fill the Following Vacancy:
- Head of the Department of Mathematics.
The expected starting date is 1 January 2022 (or by agreement).
The abovementioned vacancy is open for academic workers already employed at the Faculty of Science and for applicants not employed at the Faculty.
At the same time, the applicants currently not in the employ of the Faculty of Science can apply for Associate Professor* or Full Professor vacancy at individual departments.
- The minimum requirement is appointment procedure (habilitation*) for Associate Professorship in Mathematics or similar area - completed or underway, or its foreign equivalent accepted in the Czech Republic (!). The applicant can also present his/ her Associate Professorship work experience or experience with departmental management or research group management
- Cover letter explaining the applicant’s motivation for the particular position**
- Professional CV**
- Copies of certificates of completed education and professional experience
- Applicant’s academic publications and projects he/ she participated in**
- Record of Scientometric parameters according to WoS
- Concept of the departmental development (short-time for two years, medium-term for five years)**
- Competence to communicate in Czech
- Consent to Data Processing
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Due to an international member of the committee, the documents marked as ** must be submitted in English. The job interview will be in English.
Applicants for these positions should send the required documents to the contact e-mail address so that they are received no later than 15 October 2021 12:00 CEST.
Factual consultations are possible via e-mail .
Formal information can be reached at Human Resources Department: .
All required documents should be sent electronically to the following e-mail address: . Applications submitted differently will not be accepted.
University of Ostrava
Faculty of Science
HR department
Bc. Lucie Holubová
Mlýnská 5
702 00 Ostrava – Moravská Ostrava
Czech Republic