Department of Anesthesiology, Intensive Care Medicine and Resuscitation, University Hospital Ostrava
1. General anesthesia
Our department encompasses all basic and specialized types of general anesthesia during general surgery including: abdominal (inclusion basic and advanced laparoscopy), colorectal, thoracic, vascular, hepatobiliary and pediatric surgery. Moreover, there are high standard traumatologic and orthopedic surgery, neurosurgery, urologic surgery, othorinolaryngology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, obstetric and gynecologic surgery as well as burn and plastic surgery, etc.
- Introduction into preparation of patients before anesthesia
- Observation of whole spectrum of above mentioned surgery procedures
- Education of principles of general anesthesia
- Administration of sedation
- Possibility to practical training in intubation and vascular cannulation
- Perioperative hemodynamic management
- Perioperative respiratory management
- Introduction to function of Recovery Room
2. Regional anesthesia
- Training in various type of regional anesthesia (local, topical, peripheral nerve blocks, spinal, epidural)
3. Intensive care medicine
- Department of Anesthesiology, Intensive Care Medicine and Resuscitation owns 23 ICU beds in four departments, which provide high standard of care for all patients suffering from or at risk of organ failure.
- Education in principles of perioperative intensive care
- Basics of intensive care diagnostics and monitoring
- Management of sepsis and multiple organ dysfunction
- Most forms of organ replacement therapy, especially lung (mechanical ventilation, veno-venous form of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) and kidneys (intermittent and continuous renal-replacement therapy).
- Practical training in all aspects of mechanical ventilation (basic protective settings, ventilator-induced/associated injury, weaning from mechanical ventilation, etc.)
- Practical exercise in hemodynamic monitoring and optimalization
- Intensive care management of severe forms of traumatic brain injury (advanced neuroinvasive monitoring – intracranial pressure, jugular oxymetry, transcranial dopplerometry)
- Multiple trauma management
- Principles of management of sedation in intensive care
- Basics in ultrasonography in intensive care (lung sonography, echocardiography, UZ-guided vascular cannulation, etc.)
4. Pain management
- Education in general aspects of pain management in the department as well as at the other departments (Acute Pain Service)
Length of training: 2-4 weeks
Content of training: Adjusting the content of the training according to the needs and interests of trainee is possible.
Contact person:
- Ass. Prof. Pavel Ševčík, M.D.
Head of Department of Anesthesiology, Intensive Care Medicine and Resuscitation
University Hospital Ostrava
Characteristics of the Department of Anesthesiology, Intensive Care Medicine and Resuscitation
The Department of Anesthesiology, Intensive Care Medicine and Resuscitation, University Hospital Ostrava provides complex medical care for adult patient. It covers basic and specialized anesthesiology and intensive care for City of Ostrava and Moravia-Silesian region.
Department of Anesthesiology provides the largest possible spectrum of type of procedures in close relation to basic as well as specialized surgical departments.
Intensive Care covers all aspects of critical care, with specialization to treatment of severe forms of sepsis and sepsis-related complication such as multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. There is an acclaimed international congress of intensive care medicine called Colours of Sepsis staged by the department once a year. Recently we started program including the most specialized organ dysfunction replacement therapy - extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) focused on the most severe forms of respiratory failure. Moreover, department covers regional treatment of patients after cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and is also involved in international transplant program.
Department Intensive Care and Forensic studies, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ostrava provides education for students of general medicine. Beside anesthesiology and intensive care there are also highly sophisticated lectures in emergency medicine and forensic studies.
Updated: 12. 12. 2017